Thursday, December 5, 2013

Adios Mexico!!!!!

I LEAVE IN FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!! On Tuesday morning I will wake up early, drive an hour to the airport, and be  in the wonderful land of Honduras at about one oçlock!! On Sunday all I could think about was that in two sundays I will be in my area meeting the Bishop, the Ward Mission Leader and getting to know the members. I am getting major senioritis. (I don't know what else to call it... antsy!! I'm getting super Antsy!!)

Ocasionally we try to pop popcorn in the drier but we never have enough time. I refuse to give up though.

Alma 5 is awesome, so is Alma 36.

I've found out that I am not the most pleasant person to wake up. We napped through dinner on Saturday becasue of fast sunday and when my compañeras tried to wake me up by reminding that I had to teach a lesson soon I told them to send someone else. I then proceeded to give them a lesson on how the missionary program designed so that if I get transferred and can't teach a lesson the next missionaries can do it, so I should be able to stay in bed and have Hermana Clark teach my lesson. Even though I made some excellent points I still went and taught a great lesson. My compañeras try to take anything that I say the mornings seriously because I say really mean things.

I want "For the Beauty of the Earth" sung at my funeral. Just so everyone knows.

I have always loved Alma 36, but I have an even stronger appreciation for it now. I love Alma's honesty and how passionate he is about repentance. I love that he is willing to share such a personal experience with his son. If we aren't utilizing repentance then the gospel of Jesucristo has no purpose. I know that repentance can be hard but I know that it's worth it. I know that in the end it brings peace and joy. So much Joy!!! I'm not the same person I was a year ago and that is what repentance is agout: change of heart, change of actions.

In Relief Society we read Ether 2 and 3. In Ether 2: 23 & 25 God asks the Brother Jared, "What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in you vessels?" God doesn't just ask people what they want very often. I realized that God asked him that becuase he wanted the Brother of Jared to recognize his weaknesses and then figure out the solution himself. It never says that God told him to get 16 stones. The Brother of Jared made them himself and then asked the Lord to touch them. We need to take action.

A few days ago my Distrito had to move classrooms... for the third time!! And our new classroom is half the size of everyone else's. As we moved all our books and things we sang God be With you Till We Meet Again and Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked because we felt like the pioneers being moved from state to state.

Also, on Sunday I scraped my fingers on the corner of my closet and it took out chuncks of skin so large that you could still them sitting there on the corner. It was nasty... awesome... but nasty.

Last night I taught a few Latino missionaries. Latino missionaries!!! As in, they're fluent in Spanish and don't know English and it was super scary! I handled it like a champ though. They weren't pretending to be investigators which makes it easier. The Spirit was there. They usually understood what I said, which felt good. Although, I didn't always understand them when they were teaching me so they would just to move on to the next topic. ALSO, I almost forgot! One of the Latino elders claims he was one of the werewolves in Twilight!! I'm sure which movie or anything but there is a small chance that I met someone from Twilight. Feel free to be jealous... or don't, Twilight is not that good. ;)

Can't wait to email you guys from Honduras!! You can feel free to be jealous about that part too. ;) The struggle is real, but the Atonement is too.

Hermana Odekirk

P.S. Alma 36: 17-21
Bugs Killed to Date: 45

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