Monday, February 17, 2014

I Miss Olanchito

Today I am writing you guys from the beautiful city of La Ceiba! We have a multi-zone conference here tomorrow, so we are spending the night here. Oh, and all the internet and phone signals aren´t working in the center of Olanchito so we came to Ceiba a little early so we could email. You know you´re in Honduras when: you just haven´t had a phone for the last four days.
I am super excited to be here in Ceiba! I love getting to see the differences in all the cities in Honduras. It is right on the beach. We went to the grocery store with some Hermanas and I mentioned that this is way nicer than the nicest strore we have in Olanchito and Hermana Thacker said this isn´t even the nicest store. And I went to the mall today!!! They have stores that aren´t just things sent here from the Good Will. And this city is big enough that we took a bus from the store to their apartment. We don´t have short distance buses in Olanchito. It is crazy! And yet I kind of miss my cute little, quiet Olanchito. IT will be nice to go back home tomorrow. 

Things I Haven´t Found Answers To:
1.Who wrote the Book of Acts?
2.Who gave John the Baptist the Arronic Preisthood? An Angel?
3. (and most important) What on earth is the difference between when you use an indirect object pronoun, a direct object pronoun, and personal A?? And people throw reflexive pronouns on the end of verbs that aren´t reflexive!! What is the difference between "vamos a ir" and "vamos a irnos" No entiendo. I´ve asked latins, gringos, todas and no one actually has an answer. I asked Hermana Calpa and I realized that I have a better understanding of spanish grammer than she does. I NEED HELP!! Please and thank you.

Your homework for this week is to use the word "coquette." Also, read Acts 20:9-11. Paul talked so long a man died!! Well, Paul brought him back, but still... Am I the only one that laughed when they read this?

I realized a few days ago how many miracles I´ve already seen on my mission. Like how even though Selvin Palacio wasn´t interested in our message, because of teaching him we found Selvin and Elizabeth! and they came to church yesterday and are preparing to be baptized on the first. Also, we hadn´t seen José for a week and half because he has school and work all day and he doesn´t have a phone so he is hard to find. On Friday night I specifically prayed that we would be able to find Jose on saturday even if it was just long enough to remind him about church, and on saturday we found him!! He was just leaving the house when we walked up!! Miracle! AND I found a bag of peanut M&Ms at the store! I made it last about three days and everytime I ate one it was like a little piece of heaven in my mouth. No one can convince me that our Father in heaven isn´t looking out for me.

In the song I am a Child of God, the part where it says lead me, guide me, walk beside me, I always thought was refering to God. I want God to lead me and walk beside me. But in the spanish version all the comands are in ustedes form, not usted. It´s plural, and I realized that it isn´t just God who needs to help lead children back to Him, it´s all of us. I need my parents, and my sisters, and my friends and my leaders to walk beside me through my life too, not just God. It means so much more to me now.

I hope you guys all have a great week! Watch the Olympics for me. 

Hermana Odekirk

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