Monday, November 24, 2014

La Catracha, la nueva mexicana y la chapina‏

The last few weeks I´ve been saying "your mom..." a lot just because I know it irritates Hna Diaz and we laugh about it. The other day I making a bunch of your mom jokes and she was saying "ahh. Presidente Klein! Cambiame!!" So I said, "Tu me amas. Tu me amas y lo sabes." ( You love me and you know it.) Hernana Diaz just looked at me and said, "your mom lo sabe!" I´ve never been more proud.

I got gripe this week. I don´t remember what that is in english... I think it´s the flu. My nose was all stuffy, my throat hurt and it wasn´t fun. I was thinking about how much better it is to be sick when I´m at home and I can sit with a blanket and my mommy will bring me apple sauce. But I can´t do that here. I have to go out in the heat and find, teach, and baptize. It really wasn´t that bad, I mean, I didn´t throw up in the grocery store like Sierra did. ;) Zing!

According to the Republic of Honduras I am a man. My companions won´t stop laughing about it. I was showing them my awful picture on my Honduran residency card and Hna Stott noticed that her card has an f for feminina and my card has an m for masculino!!! I never noticed before because I think it was m for mujer (woman). The office Elder who filled out my paper work owes me big!!!!!

We were teaching this jewish lady (the only latin jew I´ve ever met) and I wasn´t thinking and said Can we sing a christmans hymn? Face palm. She then explained to us that although she doesn´t celebrate christmas we were welcome to sing a christmas song... she then explained to us that christmas trees are satanic. It was intersting.

There is this family with two teenaged sons. They told us that one is 17 and one 16, and that the one who is 16 is going to complete 17 this month. I instantly did the math and realized that if this is true they were only born 5 months apart... That makes no sense. So my companions and I went home and looked at the baptisimal registro for their dad to find their birthdays. We did the math and realized that the one who is 17 is actually 18!!! We have no idea why he is telling us the wrong age.

There is this christian church right by our house and they play their music really loud like all the churches here, except the catholic. We were in the middle of planning and I was singing along to their evangelical music. Hna Diaz laughed and said, "You know the words??" I said, "Hermana I´ve lived here a year. Yes I know all the wrods to all these christian rock songs." Then Hermana Stott (who has 15 months) said, "it´s true" Then start to clap and jam out to the christian rock. 

On saturday we visited one of my favorite investigators and I almost cried because she told us she specifically went and washed all her laundry that day so she would have time to go to church on sunday. I was so excited! ...she didn´t come to church yesterday. Thus is the life of a missionary.

We had interviews with Presidente Klein this week. It was great. The first thing he said to me was, "I forgot to bring you what you know I was going to bring you." Which means I didn´t get my traditional bag of twizzlers, but Jesus said to gorgive everyone, so it´s all good. I asked him where we are with opening Yoro. He said there are two missionaries he thinks of when he thinks about opening Yoro: me and Elder Moffit. So I was excited but then he explained. That although in the last year the mission has had 1,000 baptisms with 60% retention we aren´t seeing 600 more people in sacrament meeting (which means 600 people went inactive) and the area seventies don´t want to open Yoro if the church isn´t truly growing here. I still have fe. One day I´ll make it to Yoro.

I love you all. Don´t get dengue.

Hermana Odekirk

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